- 3d-matrices - This is a library implementing common matrix operations, mainly intended as the counterpiece to 3d-vectors and thus being aimed at operations in 3D space
- 3d-vectors - This is a simple library for 3D vectors
- april - A subset of APL (A Programming Language) compiling to Common Lisp
- cl-blapack - A wrapper around the Fortran BLAS and LAPACK libraries for dense linear algebra
- cl-clsparse - Common Lisp bindings for clSPARSE
- cl-octave - An FFI to the Octave linear algebra language (CMUCL-only)
- cl-tuples - cl-tuples is a library for writing optimised vector math
- clem - A library for representing and performing various operations on matrices
- CLLIB - CLLIB is a varied collection of Common lisp tools and routines in CLOCC
- FSVD - FSVD is a Common Lisp implementation of Simon Funk's quasi SVD as described at http://sifter.org/~simon/journal/20061211.html in the context of its application to the netflix prize
- GSLL - GNU Scientific Library for Lisp allows you to use the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) from Common Lisp
- l-math - L-MATH is a library for simple linear algebra in geometric applications
- Linear-algebra - Linear-algebra is a Common Lisp library of numeric linear algebra routines
- lisp-matrix - A matrix linear algebra library for common lisp building on work by Mark Hoemmen, Evan Monroig, Tamas Papp and Rif
- LispLab - The main purpose of Lisplab is to to integrate all kinds of mathematics capabilities into one framework
- LLA - [unmaintained, maintainers welcome] “Lisp Linear Algebra”, LLA for short, aims to provide convenient and fast matrix operations by binding to LAPACK
- magicl - Matrix Algebra proGrams In Common Lisp: numerical linear algebra routines with auto-generated bindings to BLAS, LAPACK and Expokit
- MatLisp - A BLAS and LAPACK linear algebra library wrapper which makes their features accessible through a set of CLOS classes
- MGL-MAT - MAT is a linear algebra library for working with multi-dimensional arrays which supports efficient interfacing to foreign and CUDA code
- NLISP - NLISP is an environment for numerical computation and visualisation like IDL or Matlab
- sb-cga - SB-CGA is a computer graphics algebra library for Common Lisp
- Sheafhom - Sheafhom is a package by Mark McConnell for large sparse linear algebra computations over the integers and other exact number types
- spartns - Spartns is a SPARse TeNSor representation library
linear algebra
Anything to do with linear algebra or matrices. See mathematics for other math libraries.